
10 Places to Use a Remote-Controlled Vibrator for the Ultimate Tease

10 ideas to try a wearable vibrator
By We-Vibe

A little bit of risk is the perfect addition to any long-term relationship (really, it’s science!), so Moxie — our new remote-controlled vibrator — was designed to give you a shortcut to the kind of thrills that keep things scorching hot, in and out of the bedroom.  

And really, out is the keyword here. Moxie is a tiny, whisper-quiet app-controlled vibrator that’s designed to go anywhere. It’s ultra-comfortable and completely discreet, for teasing vibrations that can turn you (and your partner) on wherever you go 

Worn under your clothes, Moxie can go anywhere — and we mean anywhere. But where to start?  

We’ve rounded up some of our favorite (and most fantasized about) spots to try Moxie. Here they are in ascending order, from totally tame to risky business (literally):  

1. At Home

If you want to make sure you’re completely confident when it’s time to take Moxie out into the world with you, do an at-home test-drive. Get Moxie into place, connect to Bluetooth and pair with the We-Connect app, then start learning: how the controls work, what the sensations are like, what kind of sounds you can expect — everything. You might be surprised at how quickly the heat starts to rise, even though you’re at home (which just makes it easier to move into other, ahem, activities).    

 2. It’s picnic time 

Once you’re ready to venture out into public, try something where you’ll be able to create some space between you and other people. A large park or field where you can lay out a picnic blanket (or sit together on a park bench) is perfect. You’ll be able to communicate clearly without anyone overhearing (and start working on your hand signals for future outings).  

 3. Bowling

Because the crash of bowling pins and all of the fist-pumps of glory you find at a bowling alley mean you’ll fit right in, even if you’re excited about a whole other thing. This one is definitely a great way to play together — every time you get a strike, the vibrations get a boost, maybe?   

 4. A trip to the grocery store  

This one can be very fun — and is a great option if you want to experiment with having a partner control Moxie from a distance. If you’re together, a trip through the produce section will get very suggestive. If your partner is controlling Moxie while you run errands, get ready for a surprise around every turn as you manoeuver your cart through the store. Either way, a good time will be had by all.  

 5. At the movies 

Depending on your preferred level of risk, you can choose: weekday matinee (hardly anyone around) or Friday night blockbuster? Any time the music crescendos or the laughs break out, up the vibrations. Just don’t blame us if you leave with no idea what the movie was even about.  

 6. Taxi!  

Or Uber, or Lyft (or your ride of choice). This one’s for the almost-exhibitionists in the house. A way to play that amps up your sense of risk, but still feels safe — you’re not even touching each other. No one will know what you’re really up to back there.   

 7. At dinner 

This is the one we all picture when we think about taking a portable vibrator out to play, right? You and your person, across from one another at dinner, them slowly turning up the vibrations as your server explains tonight’s specials and you do your best to keep a straight face. It’s a classic for a reason. Try it.  

8. At a museum or gallery 

Museums and galleries are generally hushed spaces, where you’re meant to stay almost silent in front of artefacts and art, whispering your thoughtful reflections as you go. That’s also what makes them a perfect place for some public thrills. Bonus points if you can find a good alcove for a mid-afternoon makeout session.   

 9. On a Rollercoaster  

If you grew up in the 90s, then there’s a good chance that watching Reese Witherspoon and Mark Wahlberg get together on a Rollercoaster in Fear was the sexiest thing you had ever seen. Even if you haven’t seen it, try this one. The double shot of adrenaline you get from the twists and turns of a good roller coaster AND sexy vibrations coming along for the ride? Yes, please. (Use Moxie’s remote for this one, so your phone stays safe in your pocket.) 

10. At work 

This is not for beginners — you’ll be around people who know you, who know what’s normal for you, and who might notice if you’re suddenly a little flushed during your coffee break. BUT, it can be incredibly hot. Let your partner control Moxie from a distance (add in a few naughty text messages to really get things going) while you’re at your desk. Or take control your own vibrations any time you want to make things a little more interesting and you’re faced with an afternoon of endless meetings.  

Whether you’re a wearable vibrator rookie or you’ve engaged in your fair share of public play (with or without vibrations), this list will get you going.  We also have zero doubt that your adventures will take you all kinds of interesting places. Report back with your fave spots and we’ll start a new list. 

Get Moxie here.