
Why I Deserve To Buy Myself A Vibrator

I bought my first vibrator in college. Being that that was some 15 years ago and sex toys definitely weren’t what they are now, my vibrator was phallic in shape and blue. I’ve always had a thing for blue.

By Amanda Chatel

At the time I bought it, it was out of both curious and novelty. I only used it a few times before I threw it out. I was 21 and light years away from being the sex-positive woman and sex writer I am today. I had yet to embrace my sexuality and be truly proud of it.

Now, as a woman who owns more than a few sex toys (read: dozens) and who is completely – and vocally so – at peace with my sexuality, here’s why I deserve to buy myself a vibrator.


I deserve to be selfish.

When it comes to sex with someone else, you don’t get to be selfish. And, when you’re with someone you really care about, you don’t even want to be selfish. While selfishness tends to get a bad rap, there are forms of healthy selfishness and a perfect example of that is some hot and heavy alone time with a vibrator. When I’m masturbating, I can make myself orgasm over and over again, and not have to worry about anyone else. I get to completely focus on my body, my wants, my desires, and what really gets me off, without an audience or feeling like I need to explain things.


I deserve to celebrate pleasure.

It took me a very long time to get to where I am today in regards to embracing my sexuality – especially masturbation – without shame. And, now that I’m here, I’m going to celebrate. While I may not be throwing myself and my sexuality a parade anytime soon, I am going to celebrate sexual pleasure. Not just mine, but the sexual pleasure of others. Human sexuality is beautifully complicated and deserves to be celebrated regularly. A vibrator between my legs is my favorite way to do just that.


I deserve to explore my body.

Thanks to the career I’ve established for myself, I know about the human anatomy – the reproductive and sex organs specifically – which also means I know a lot about my own body. But the great thing about sex toys, like vibrators, is different intensities, varying speeds, and multiple patterns can create new sensations everywhere – not just on or near the vulva. The perineum, anus, nipples, and erogenous zones, like the lower stomach and even the armpits, can all get pleasure from vibrator-inducted stimulation. I love to explore with different vibrations all over my body and find something new that I may not have discovered with a partner.


I deserve to practice self-care.

In recent years, a lot of emphasis has been put on self-care. In a world so busy, where trying to manage both our professional life and personal life can sometimes feel impossible, it’s no wonder that self-care hasn’t just become big business, but a topic of conversation. Buying myself a vibrator is, without a doubt, self-care. The orgasms that come with my vibrator help fight stress, anxiety, and depression. Also, orgasms are great for heart health, strengthening the immune system, and are a natural pain reliever. Although a day at a spa is also a great self-care option, it doesn’t deliver quite as well a vibrator – and a vibrator lasts more than one day.


I deserve a great sex life.

Whether my sex life includes just me, myself, and I, or one partner, or multiple partners, I deserve a great one. (We all do!) In my buying myself a vibrator, I’m one step closer to making my sex life even better than it currently is. Vibrators allow us to feel more comfortable with our bodies and understand it better. It’s these two components that really do wonders for sex lives, taking what we already know, sexually speaking, up several notches.

So there you have it: reasons why I definitely deserve to buy myself a vibrator. These reasons are also why you deserve to buy yourself a vibrator too.

going solo - sexual pleasure

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