
Make Any Time Sex O’Clock

By We-Vibe

Do you ever feel like you just can’t keep up with your schedule? If it’s not the job, it’s the kids’ activities and the dinner, let alone all of the chores. Have you found yourself in a position where folding the laundry takes priority over fondling your partner? Honestly, with all we have to do, it’s not surprising that sex is the first thing that gets kicked to the curb.

If you are one of these people, Christine Webber, psychotherapist and life coach, and Dr. David Delvin, GP and family planning specialist, offer a great way to fit sex into your schedule:

“Once a week, come home and go straight to bed with a cup of tea, a glass of wine, a few snacks and a mind to devote yourself to your partner for the next 90 minutes. Early evening sex is definitely wicked – and all the better for that – and afterwards, your flushed, leg-trembling satisfaction will turn even a boil-in-the-bag dinner into a romantic feast.”

While the physical pleasure alone should build a big enough case for squeezing sex into your life, there are many benefits to some sexy time with your partner. Sex burns calories, improves heart health and can boost your self-esteem. When you look at it that way, it may be time to put the dirty dishes aside and get down and dirty instead. And for the couple who’s pressed for time, look to find ways to get more out of the small moments you have. We-Vibe 3 is worn during love-making and makes sex even more satisfying with dual stimulation zones. Finding time can even be a game with your partner – who can save the most time for sex?

How do you find more time for sex in your life? Dish out some tips below or get busy with the share button!

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