Why Men Deserve Self-Care

One of the most important facets of self-care is realizing and accepting what you need to do, and then doing that sans apology.

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How to Date When You Have Kids

It’s important to realize there’s someone out there looking for exactly what you have to offer so, if love (or casual fun) is what you are looking for, don’t be afraid to make it be known. 

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Sex After a Baby (Yes, it’s Possible)

Leading up to this massive life change, some couples continue to have regular intercourse right up until the last few weeks of pregnancy. For others, […]

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World Sexual Health Week Day 4

September 4 was World Sexual Health Day! Conceived by the World Association for Sexual Health (and not be confused with National Orgasm Day, something we […]

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World Sexual Health Week Day 3

September 4 was World Sexual Health Day! Conceived by the World Association for Sexual Health (and not be confused with National Orgasm Day, something we […]

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