
How to up your sexual self-confidence

Ladies, it’s time to turn up your sexy. We enlisted best-selling author and sexpert Dr. Trina Read to tell us just how. Dr. Read is a best-selling author, syndicated blogger, magazine columnist, and  award-winning international speaker. She spoke at the West Coast Women’s Show a few weeks ago at a special We-Vibe® sponsored session on how to Throw Your Sexy Into Overdrive.

By Dr. Trina Read

We-Vibe®: Of all your tips for “taking your sexy up a notch”, which one do women find most surprising?

Dr. Read: “Women are most surprised by the idea that a woman can fake it till she makes it. Even if a woman isn’t feeling particularly sexy, she can slap a smile on her face, hold her head up, and throw her shoulders back. This changes her physiology and perspective entirely. It may seem cliché or corny, but it really does work – and it’s easy too.”

We-Vibe®: What strikes you the most about the crowd’s response when you deliver this talk?

Dr. Read: “How every single woman in the audience believes she is alone in her present sexual situation. This is why audience participation exercises are so important. When women get into groups and start talking, they realize they’re not alone. It makes them a lot more likely to open up and become more sexual.”

We-Vibe®: How can We-Vibe® products help women up that sexy factor?

Dr. Read: “I call it sexual self-confidence. I believe most women suffer from a lack of it. One way to get some sexual self-confidence is for a woman to say, “It’s all about me tonight, honey.” This is where the We-Vibe® comes in. Yes, it is a couple’s toy. But when a woman takes the initiative and focuses on her own sexual pleasure, she sets a new tone in the bedroom – and both partners benefit from the experience.”

We-Vibe®: In your professional opinion, what makes the We-Vibe® unique?

Dr. Read: “It doesn’t look like your run-of-the-mill, phallic sex toy. You can have the We-Vibe® sitting on your bedside table. Your mother can see it and – unless she has one herself – she won’t know it’s a sex toy. It’s one less thing for women to worry about.”

For more tips from Dr. Read, check out or follow her on Twitter @DrTrinaRead.

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How to up your sexual self-confidence

We-Vibe®: Of all your tips for “taking your sexy up a notch”, which one do women find most surprising? Dr. Read: “Women are most surprised […]

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