
What IS Virtual Reality Porn and is it Becoming More Mainstream Than We Think?

VR porn is the combination of adult content with the technology that tricks our brains into believing that we’re immersed in a real environment.

By Aly Walansky

“It’s stereoscopic display that lends depth and texture to the video, the ability to track a users’ movements and adjust the video display accordingly, and an element of responsive interactivity (e.g. the ability to move through the space),” says Magnus Sullivan, of Manshop and Gamelink.

Porn is ultimately a voyeuristic experience: The people who like true interactivity gravitate towards cams and other forms of real-time engagement with a real person. VR, however, creates a sense of presence that is new and compelling.

“There’s something about the depth and plasticity of the field of view that makes the moment that actually occurred when the performer disrobed for the camera and f*cked for the world, that makes that moment seem as if it’s happening in real time,” says Sullivan.

There’s something about the ever-shifting angles and perspective that makes the moment seem endlessly fresh.  “There is an energy to it, and because you can focus on different aspects of the scene, a repeat viewing of the same file is not actually a repeat viewing—it’s slightly different—because you are actually viewing new footage and altering the viewing experience based on your behavior.  Depending on the type of movie you’re watching, you can shift your focus to the action that turns you on the most. Lips? Breasts? Penetration? Ankles? Shoulders? Ass? Whatever it is, you can direct the camera in the right direction. In movies with multiple performers and/or multiple sex acts, you can shift the POV so dramatically that you can actually do a 360-degree rotation and watch action occurring in completely different areas—and then focus on what you like,” says Sullivan.

The 360-degree audio is also compelling.  “To hear the voice coming from behind you, or to hear the breathing get louder and hear the sound of a whisper increase as the performer leans towards you ads an entirely new sense of presence.  Coupled with the all-immersive aspect of wearing goggles, the images assume a dreamlike, completely captivating lure that somehow combines the ethereal with the hyper-real,” says Sullivan.

Before purchasing a high-end headset for viewing with your smartphone, however, Sullivan recommends trying it with a free viewer to see if it’s your thing (Gamelink provides a free viewer with your first VR purchase). Download a file that looks good, and watch it with either a set that’s included with your first purchase or buy an entry-level set.

If you like the experience, you will want to upgrade to a set with a head strap for a ‘hands-free’ experience so that you can play more effectively with toys and yourself while you watch.

Happy viewing!

In solidarity with the Black Community

    To our We-Vibe community,   We at We-Vibe unequivocally stand in solidarity with the Black community, and the fight against systemic racism.    In the wake of the injustice […]

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