
Savour Life’s Little Moments

By We-Vibe

Now that December has come and gone, it’s resolution time again! January has arrived, bringing promises of gym memberships, clean eating and a better work-life balance.

But what about the small things that already make our lives happy and healthy? Often, we overlook life’s daily pleasures in favour of its big moments. But these little details make our lives wonderful, and carry us from one big moment to the next.

With this in mind, we here at We-Vibe made our resolution: we are going to stop and appreciate the simple pleasures in our lives and relationships, and not focus only on the grand gestures. Whether it is your partner taking out the garbage without being asked or holding hands when you’re out to dinner, these are the things we’ll be taking more time to savour. Because as fantastic as the big moments are, it’s the small ones that make life one big, wonderful adventure.

We invite you to join our resolution, or share some of your own!