
Get The Most Out Of Rave with Dr. Jess O’Reilly

By Dr. Jess O'Reilly

Hold Rave loosely in your hand and create a gentle rocking rhythm against and around your G-Spot.

Begin without vibrations and then gradually increase the intensity in terms of grip, vibes and pressure as your arousal peaks. Experiment with different stroke patterns: rock it back and forth, swipe from side to side across the G-Spot, gently pull the Rave in and out, rotate it gently toward the sides of your vagina and pulse firmly as it vibrates. We often get hung up on a “come hither” motion during G-Spot play, as this is what we see in porn and squirting videos, but many people prefer a different approach, so play with a range of motions until you figure out what suits you. And remember that your experiences of pleasure are always changing, so you can always keep experimenting.

Don’t neglect the rest of your body

Yes. Rave is designed to reach your G-Spot, but its vibrations can create waves of pleasure across your body. Most of us experience orgasmic sensations in the genital region (and sometimes our breasts) and this is in part owing to the fact that these are the areas we stimulate during sex play. We ignore the rest and we’re missing out, as full body stimulation awakens nerve endings and promotes blood flow across the body. This increases your chances of full body orgasms, so play with the rave between your thighs, along your hips, over your nipples, across your collarbone and in the small of your back.

Let your hips do the talking

Once you’re relaxed and already aroused (perhaps you’re 70% of the way to orgasm), let your hips take over the movement (your hand simply holds The Rave in place) so that you find the perfect rhythm to unleash your orgasmic contractions. You likely won’t have to think about your hip movements and rhythm, as it’s a primal subconscious motion and you may find that you have more intense orgasms when it’s all in the hips.

Change positions when you’re playing solo

Many of us masturbate in the same position for our entire lives and this inhibits our pleasure potential. Change positions and see how your experience of Rave is multiplied! Small changes can have a huge impact. For example, instead of lying on your back with your legs open, try squeezing your legs together so that the hood, shaft and head of your clitoris are stimulated by the external portion of Rave while the G-Spot reaps its rewards on the inside.

Sharing is caring, so use Rave with your lover!

Sit with your legs bent and have your partner sit behind you (you’re both facing the same direction) with their legs on either side. Let them reach around as you guide them in inserting Rave or let them operate the controls while you hold onto Rave’s handle.

Want more step-by-step tips (with pictures!), positions and secrets to take your sex life to the next level? Check out Jess’ latest book, The New Sex BibleThis is the go-to guide for sexual pros looking for specific tips you can use tonight!

Jess O’Reilly, PhD, is a sex and relationship expert, keynote speaker, television personality and host of the Sex with Dr. Jess podcast. She holds a PhD in human sexuality with a focus on education. Her practical relationship advice reaches millions each month via mainstream media outlets and she travels extensively across the globe to work with couples (including royalty and presidential candidates) to transform their relationships from good to great.


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