
What IKEA Knows About Your Bedroom Activity

IKEA has put beds in millions of homes worldwide – and now, it knows a bit more about what goes on in them.

By We-Vibe

The Swedish company recently asked couples in eight major cities about their morning routines. The Life at Home Report surveyed 8,292 people—about 1,000 participants each from New York, Berlin, London, Paris, Shanghai, Moscow, Stockholm, and Mumbai.  

So, what can IKEA tell us about bedrooms around the world? Here are some fun facts:

  • Couples in Moscow get it on in the a.m. more than other cities; 14% of couples there have morning sex. This compares to just 9% in New York (slightly higher than the worldwide average of 6%). Shanghai came in last with 1%.
  • Morning cuddling didn’t fare too well, either; 17% worldwide and 15% in New York.
  • In fact, 51% of couples globally said that they didn’t even talk to their partners in the morning!

We get that not everyone is a morning person, and we’re often pressed for time – but there are countless benefits to a good cuddle (not to mention a quickie before your morning shower!). Let’s show our partners some love tomorrow morning and help get those numbers up!