
Get her in the mood

Having trouble inspiring your woman to join you in the bedroom?

By We-Vibe

Well it’s probably not that she’s disinterested:  “Women want sex just as much as, if not more than, men do,” (says Emily Nagoski, Ph.D) but you have to make it worth her while.

How do you make it worth her while? Well, we’ve compiled these 5 tips.

You will notice the overall theme of the list is time. So gents, if you don’t have time to invest, it could be an uphill battle.

Tempt her. It’s no secret women like a tease. The power of suggestion is an age old strategy. From sending a racy email in the middle of the day to a passionate kiss and then pulling away. But as tempting as it is, don’t dive right in as soon as she appears game. This is courting – build the anticipation until she can’t stand it.

Take time. In order to get that time in the bedroom together you need to spend more time together in general. Working out together is a great way to burn off excess steam and release some sensual hormones.

Compliment her. Don’t just start laying on the compliments as you try to peel off her clothes. A peppering of thoughtful compliments throughout the day will lead to a happier and more confident partner when it comes time to get intimate.

Focus on her body but don’t jump right to the frisky parts. From here on out remember, take the time to get to the final act. Use the tips of your fingers or your tongue and ask her to guide you or tell you how it feels. If you stick with this and follow her guidance, this is likely where you can say :”mission accomplished” she’s in the mood.

Help her relax. The more things you can take off her plate and her mind, the more she can concentrate on your night together. From cleaning up around the house to cooking dinner, saving her time works in your favour. Check out our frisky food tips for some libido enhancing ingredients.

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